Pellet lines for dry materials

Complex granulation lines are designed and manufactured under the specific conditions and raw materials to be processed. Full process automation and productivity from 0.8 to 10t / h make it possible to satisfy the customer's needs to the maximum.
Pellet lines for dry materials


We are the only ones in Ukraine who provide 2 years equipment warranty! Always at your service / 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. 24 hour service anywhere in Ukraine.

Complex for processing MSW

Biosmarteks offers lines processing of MSW with receiving RDF in the form of granules, briquettes which are used for further processing in pyrolysis installations, as fuel for cement works, thermal power plants, etc.
Complex for processing MSW

Drying complexes

Our drying complexes are used for drying sawdust, cuttings, branches, waste from fiberboard, chipboard, lamella, veneer and other waste from furniture or agricultural production. Thus, raw materials are prepared for the future biofuel - pellets and briquettes.
Drying complexes

About us

Modern high-tech equipment occupies an important place in various industrial sectors in our time. Therefore, it is so important that development, production and customization are carried out at the highest level.

For ten years now, BIOsmartex has been successfully creating and selling highly productive equipment for production lines for pellets, pellets, briquettes, drying complexes, steam boilers, high-performance heat generators, and solid waste processing lines.



Screw conveyors


The garbage processing complex (MSW) in the RDF 50-500 tons / day (bulky mass)

DESCRIPTION: 1. Chevron belt conveyor: Appointment: selection of material and transportation to a separator. Description: It is a modular segmented structure designed for the transportation of bulk materials. Quick and easy belt tension adjustment. Easy maintenance due to quick access to the main work nodes. Easy installation introduction thanks to the segmented design, tilt up to 90 °. It is equipped […]

Лінії гранулювання 800-1100 кг/год EN

EN Лінія гранулювання призначена для сушіння, подрібнення і подальшого гранулювання всіх видів біомас (таких як тирса, стружка, тріска, лушпиння, жоми і вичавки всіх видів, торф, лігнін, сапропель, солома, очерет, вся група зернових і т.д.), як правило є важливою частиною заводу з виробництва кормових і паливних матеріалів. Сушити сировину перед пресуванням. необхідно, якщо її вологість – […]

Линия Гранулирования 800-6000 кг/ч (Влажность15%)

Линия брикетирования преназначена для измельчения и последующего брикетирования всех видов биомасс (таких как опилки, стружка, щепа, шелуха, жомы и выжимки всех видов, торф, легнин, сапропель, солома, камыш и т.д.), как правило является важной частью завода по производству топливных материаллов. В данном случае влажность менее 15%, можно использовать участок гранулирования без применения сушильного комплекса. Основные характеристики […]

Сушильний комплекс SB-1 (800-1500 КГ/Ч) EN

Areas of application

  • Woodworking
  • Peat Industry
  • Crops
  • Livestock
  • Pulp and Paper
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol and Brewing
  • Fruits and Vegetables
  • Energy, Biogas
  • From Gas to Solid Fuel

Biomass processing solutions

The company's biomass processing experience enables it to manufacture equipment for the complex tasks of biomass waste utilization, such equipment as drying, granulating, briquetting, biomass transportation and combustion systems.

MSW recycling solutions

The BIOsmartex MSW recycling lines provide maximum recycling efficiency, namely the extraction of useful components (metal, plastic, glass), resulting in RDF fuel.

Solutions for biogas plants

Living Bottom Feeders from BIOsmartex provide metered feed of biogas to feedstocks, and drying and pelletizing lines for biogas waste increase their shelf life and reduce transportation costs.

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